Weekly Slides

Curiosity - Week 1

By Jeff Bryan

I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.

-Albert Einstein


This week, our Partner Schools are kicking off with the first character strength of the year: curiosity.  

What is curiosity and why is it important? A curious person likes exploration and discovery — and asks lots of questions because they want to learn more about anything and everything. Our innate urge for discovery and exploration is a key element of our human desire for wisdom and knowledge. It’s what keeps us intrigued in the plot lines of movies and books. It’s what pushes us to try new activities or travel to different places.

Individuals with the character strength of curiosity are more likely to ask questions and try new things. Curiosity then is a form of courage. Asking questions exposes the fact that we don’t know and trying a new activity means we might fail. But, it’s only through asking questions and exploring new opportunities that we learn and grow.

For an in-depth overview of each weekly slide presentation, please skip below to your specific grade level.
  • If you would like to ask questions of, learn from, and share best practices with Partner Schools nationwide, please join our Google+ Community here.
  • For the P2 Reflection Journals, used by all elementary students at the end of the week, click here.
  • To see the 1-page Curiosity Character Card, click here

In this 3-minute behind-the-scenes look at the Albert Einstein biopic, Genius, an executive producer says, “A genius is not just answering questions, but asking questions that nobody else thought to ask.”

And, as a reminder, you can find all of our weekly slide presentations on our website’s Resources page. Enjoy the slides — and please be sure to let us know how it’s going by posting to Twitter and using the #PositivityInAction hashtag!

Jeff Bryan
CEO and Co-Founder of The Positivity Project

Jeff Bryan is the CEO and Co-Founder of The Positivity Project. In this role, he leads the organization to support educators to empower their students to build positive relationships and become their best selves.